Thursday, September 22, 2011

Only Shallow- My Bloody Valentine

"'A spectacle superb! But still, alas! a spectacle. Where seize I thee, O Nature infinite?' This cry is answered in the most positive manner by music. Here, the world outside us speaks to us in terms intelligible beyond compare, since its sounding message to our ear is of the selfsame nature as the cry sent forth to it from the depths of our own inner heart. The object of the tone perceived is brought into immediate rapport with the subject of the tone emitted: without any reasoning go-between we understand the cry for help, the wail, the shout of joy, the straightway answer in its own tongue. If the scream, the moan, the murmured happiness in our own mouth is the most direct utterance of the will's emotion, so when brought to us by our ear we understand it past denial as utterance of the same emotion; no illusion is possible here, as in the daylight show, to make us deem the essence of the world outside us not wholly identical with our own; and thus that gulf which seems to sight is closed forthwith" (183.)- Wagner, The Artwork of the Future

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