This is a blog for the community of Rhetoric 108—On the Philosophy of Music: "Music to Hear"—in the Department of Rhetoric at the University of California, Berkeley, Spring 2011 and Fall 2011.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Buggles - Video Killed the Radio Star
The Case for Wagner/Phyllis Hyman
- The Case of Wagner (pg 6-7)
This video is taken from the Broadway musical “Sophisticated Ladies” featuring Phyllis Hyman. I choose this clip because it encapsulates the Nietzche meaning of music setting the spirit free. The opening lines of the song states, “What good melody? What good is music? If it ain’t possessing something sweet. It ain’t the melody. Not it ain’t the music. There’s something that makes the tune complete. If don’t mean it a thing if ain’t got that swing.” It is the swing of the music that frees the spirit and gives wings to thought.
Mars Volta - "Concertina"
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Group Post - The Case of Wagner Section 3
Idioteque creates an illusion of panic, causing the lyrics, the message to appear greater than it is, more immediate. The lyrics command salvation from the doom that the music threatens is approaching. Like Wagnerian music, Idioteque creates a need to be saved from something, not only does it preach salvation, but it has to create an enemy, a threat. The music lures the listener in to believing there is danger to escape and that it is even possible to escape it.
Friday, September 23, 2011
The Smiths-Big Mouth Strikes Again
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Marvin Gaye - The Birth of Tragedy
-Friedrich Nietzsche, “The Birth of Tragedy” (pg. 6)
What this song symbolizes is that some messages are best expressed when set to music or in a song. Music often makes a difficult message more palatable. When Nietzsche believe he should have had the courage to sing his message may have meant that he felt it would have been better received.
Miguel Palmer
Krump - The Birth of Tragedy
-Friedrich Nietzsche, “The Birth of Tragedy” (pg. 21)
This is an example of what Nietzche means to “reach that height of self-abandonment…only to be understood by his own kind”. This style of dancing is called “Krump” and involves the total body that looks violent and as if the individual is possessed to the outside observer but is totally understood those within the “Krumping” community.
Miguel Palmer
BeBe and CeCe - The Genealogy of Morals
-Friedrich Nietzsche, “The Genealogy of Morals”
In contemplating this passage I wondered what Nietzche, Wagner or Feurerbach would think of gospel duo BeBe & CeCe Winans (brother & sister). They found a why to express their earthly love for some one while maintaining gospel integrity. They are living proof that one does not necessarily negate the other.
Miguel Palmer
Simple Things - The Artist and the Sublime
-The Essential Schopenhauer, “The Artist and the Sublime”
This passage speaks of the ability of art (music) to almost magically transport us from a place of knowing to a will-less knowing. This particular song, “Simple Things” by Elisabeth Withers has the ability to take my mind from whatever the situation is to a place of evaluation and fond memories of what really matters. All of this is done without my permission or knowledge or “will-less knowing”.
Miguel Palmer
Korn - Twist (Greatest Hits Vol. 1)
"A different spirit rules in the theatre since the spirit of Wagner began to rule there: the most difficult is demanded, there is severe blaming, there is rarely praising,--the good, the excellent, is regarded as the rule. Taste is no longer necessary; not even voice. Wagner is only sung with a ruined voice: that has a "dramatic" effect. Even talent is excluded." (The Case of Wagner, p. 40)
"Twist" by Korn could be an example of Wagner's music wrought and engendered in the theatre, given its atonality, and the way Jonathan Davis' growls scat out dramatic syllables in between beats.
Only Shallow- My Bloody Valentine
“Has it been noticed that music makes the spirit free? That it gives wings to thought? That one becomes so much more a philosopher, the more one becomes a musician? The grey heaven of abstraction thrilled, as it were, by lightings; the light strong enough for all the filigree of things; the great problems ready to be grasped; the universe surveyed as from a mountain summit... All that is good makes me productive. I have no other gratitude, nor have I any other proof of what is good.” [The Case of Wagner, 7]
Joy Division - Shadowplay
Enigma - Return To Innocence
"In order to display that content as a purely human one and dictated by the feeling: so also have we to cut away from the verbal expression all that springs from, and answers to, these disfigurements of the purely human and feeling-bidden; and to remove it in such a way that this purely human core shall alone remain" (Wagner on Music 197).
I won't pretend to know what the "purely human core" is that Wagner speaks of, I do however know that unspeakable feeling of being described by sound. When I feel lost in a song it is as though I am without form and connected to a glimmer of that shining thing that hums within us all and reverberates off our chests, to be answered by the great call of the universe. I see the failings of language everyday and experience my shortcomings in conveying what it is I 'truly' mean. This song is mostly music and chanting with very few sung words. I have always felt that this song did an excellent job of depicting the fleeting nature of life; the rapidity of age and the ceaseless drive of change that enfolds us all and pushes us beyond our control, to the rhythms of life that ultimately and inevitably end in death. This song is like a memory of what Wagner is talking about; a ghost of that core; for it is unlikely that we can hold onto our meanings any more than we can hold onto a flowing stream or the fickle wind. I think Wagner is right, though, that we have to "cut away from the verbal expression" so that we may summon the voice singing within us of our pure form.
Dancing with Kadafi, Infected Mushroom
In Dancing with Kadafi, Infected Mushroom expresses the “complete degeneration of rhythmic feeling, [by putting] chaos in place of rhythm”. Like Wagner, Infected Mushroom wanted a different sort of movement, overthrowing the “physiological presupposition of previous music,” in order to make one feel like swimming and floating, not walking and dancing. Before Infected Mushroom, the Trance music scene was about the catchy and simple melodies one would hear on a club’s dance floor (e.g. La Primavera by Sash!). Infected Mushroom, on the other hand, requires the listener to clear his mind of any presuppositions so that he may discover the complex, melodic trance Infected has to offer. A suspension of disbelief makes listening to Dancing with Kadafi like diving into the world of a long fairy tale. The song builds up from the dark and quiet, to something far more driving and exciting, making the music both beautiful and threatening at the same time.
A Musical Story by Sergei Prokofiev
In The Case of Wagner Nietzsche says, "Wagner begins from a hallucination-not of sounds but of gestures. Then he seeks the sign language of sounds for he separates, how he gains small units, how he animates these, severs them, and makes them visible" (Kaufmann 626). This musical story of Peter and the Wolf, written by Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev in 1936, is a perfect example of the format in which Nietzsche describes Wagner to have worked in. The gestures, in this case, are the individual characters of the story, such as Peter, Grandpa, the duck, and the bird. The "sign language of sounds" is so much more than sounds alone but individual instruments that have their own tone, quality, and color. Each character has an instrument (or in the protagonists case, a group of instruments) assigned to them which delineates their place in the narrative. Just as Wagner separates, severs, and animates these small units the characters and instruments are introduced to us one-by-one. Even as the story is told the pieces are individually represented but strung together to show us the progression of the story.
The story is in two parts, and I know it is a bit long but I think it should be listened to it in its entirety. If not to pick out the similarities that it has with Nietzsche's words regarding Wagner then at least to find out what happens to Peter and his friends.
Kaufmann, W. The Basic Writings of Nietzsche . New York: The Modern Library, 2000.
The Beatles on Segration
The document, which was signed by the band's manager, Brian Epstein, stipulated that they would "not be required to perform in front of a segregated audience" for their gig at the Cow Palace in Daly City, California on August 31st, 1965. In addition to the desegregation clause, the contract guaranteed the band $40,000 and at least 150 police officers to provide security at the show.
Moondog - "Ostrich Feathers Played on Drum"
"An instinct is weakened when it realizes itself: for by rationalizing itself it weakens itself." (Postscript, 3rd paragraph, "The Case of Wagner")
If the problem is over excitement, the need for stronger spices in order to be tasteful at all, then let us return to the simpler, to allow our pallet to relax with simple tastes. But our recipe cannot be over thought, it should merely manifest our hungers as they are. 'Ostrich Feathers Played on Drum" is only itself, claiming and thinking it is nothing else than it is.
The Dancing Song (song that dances)
Loss from a Distance- Buckethead
None can equal him in the colors of late fall, in the indescribably moving happiness of the last, truly last, truly shortest joy; he knows a sound for those quiet, disquieting midnights of the soul, where cause and effect seem to be out of joint and where at any moment something might originate “out of nothing”. (Contra Wagner, “Where I Admire”, 663)
Layne Staley
“The spiritual nausea and haughtiness of every human being who has suffered deeply – how deeply one can suffer almost determines the order of rank – his shuddering certainty, which permeates and colors him through and through, that by virtue of his suffering he knows more than the cleverest and wisest could possibly know, and that he knows his way and has once been at home in many distant, terrifying worlds of which “you know nothing” – this spiritual and silent haughtiness, this pride of the elect of cognition, of the “initiated,” of the almost sacrificed, finds all kinds of disguise necessary to protect itself against contact with officious and pitying hands, and against everything that is not a peer in suffering. Suffering makes us noble; it separates”(Contra Wagner, 679).
While I probably could think of a better example of one who suffers and takes on disguise, Layne Staley is my go to guy when I think of how great art can come out of depression. He did not don the cheerful facade that Nietzsche goes on to explain after the provided passage but instead fell into addiction. He is one of those folk that I am upset to see gone for that simply selfish reason that I am confident that had he lived he could have produced a whole lot more that I would have enjoyed. You know... Heath Ledger or the Crocodile Hunter... except better. Staley's last performance with the Alice in Chains was for a 1996 episode of MTV's Unplugged. He stopped working with the band when the depression and addiction got to be too much. At the time of his death, which was due an overdose from a speedball, Staley apparently weighed just 86 pounds and was 6' 1''. Addiction and depression can be pretty awful things but there is no denying that out of it comes some fantastic art.
D'Angelo "Spanish Joint"
The Rolling Stones- Paint it Black
Pink Floyd : The Great Gig in the Sky
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Paparazzi - Declining Civilization
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Spell- Patti Smith
“This whole discussion firmly maintains that, whereas lyric poetry depends utterly on the spirit of music, music itself, in its absolute sovereignty, has no need at all of images and concepts but merely tolerates them as accompaniment. Lyric poetry can say nothing that was not already contained, in a condition of the most enormous generality and universal validity, within the music which forced the lyric poet to speak in images. For this reason it is impossible for language to exhaust the meaning of the music’s world-symbolism, because music refers symbolically to the original contradiction and original pain at the heart of the primordial unity, and thus symbolizes a sphere which lies above and beyond all appearance. In relation to that primal being every phenomenon is merely a likeness, which is why language, as the organ and symbol of phenomena, can never, under any circumstances, externalize the innermost depths of music; whenever language attempts to imitate music it only touches the outer surface of music, whereas the deepest meaning of music, for all the eloquence of lyric poetry, can never be brought even one step closer to us” (36.)
I chose this quote because I do not wholeheartedly agree with it. I see this point as a discriminatory attitude towards music and art in general. The instrumentation in this song in very minimal; the lyric poetry is the revelatory element. Patti Smith’s Spell possesses the criteria for Dionysiac music; it is transcendent, enthralling, non-representative, and objective. While I agree that music does not necessarily need lyrics or poetry, it as the potential to do so much more so than to merely tolerate it. Music’s dynamism is not restricted to a particular form, and Nietzsche’s attempt to categorize it in such an exclusive way seems unnecessary and excusatory. Here, the lyrics indicate the lifting of the “veil of maya” to reveal the “most blissful satisfaction of primordial unity” (18).
"No Regrets" by Aesop Rock + Will & Representation
Elevation of Musicians
Thrice : Digging My Own Grave
"Here, in the highest symbolism of art, we see before us that Apolline world of beauty and the ground on which it rests, that terrible wisdom of Silenus, and we grasp, intuitively, the reciprocal necessity of these two things. At the same time, however, we encounter Apollo as the deification of the principium individuationis in which alone the eternally attained goal of the primordial unity, its release and redemption through semblance, comes about; with sublime gestures he shows us that the whole world of agony is needed in order to compel the individual to generate the releasing and redemptive vision and then, lost in contemplation of that vision, to sit calmly in his rocking boat in the midst of the sea." p. 26
ATB, Ecstasy
Throughout his essay, Nietzsche constantly creates problems for Greek culture and art that he then solves with either the Apollonian or Dionysian element, or both, depending on the context. ATB’s Ecstasy portrays Nietzsche’s conviction that the Dionysian revelation cannot stand alone. Here, the Apollonian element helps reveal the essence of Dionysus by transforming the song’s enigmatic instrumental into an artistic phenomenon in the form of its accompanying lyrics. The upbeat tone, crisp layering, and memorable intro allow the listener to rise beyond consciousness and experience a connection to the primordial unity. However, the lyrics add a description of the feelings the song evokes and provides a sort of guideline for us to follow when listening to this song.
Al Jarreau- Take Five
Murder City Devils - Boom Swagger Boom
Jimi Hendrix--Woodstock Star Spangled Banner
A Question Concerning tech. . . science.
Scene by Envy- Dionysus v Apollo
“Only the spirit of music allows us to understand why we feel joy at the destruction of the individual. For individual instances of such destruction merely illustrate the eternal phenomenon of Dionysiac art, which expresses the omnipotent Will behind the principium individuationis, as if it were, life going on eternally beyond all appearance and despite all destruction” (BOT 16)
‘Scene’ by the group Envy, is a song that seems, to me, to capture the struggle of the Apollinian forces and the Dionysiac Will. The song starts by keeping the individual within a state of principium individuationis- the beginning reveals the world of images and a the dream-like state of Apollo. In fact, the introduction seems as if it were a lullaby- allowing us to trust the stability of its calm melody. However, this stability is easily shattered as the tragic hero- the lead singer- soon screams with such an abrupt, deep pain and suffering. It as if the tragic hero is dying from a great suffering or sadness. This rips one (the listener) from the comfortable state of images and semblance and pulls one into the suffering of the Will- the Dionysiac state. The suffering within this melody is infused with the intoxication of the Dionysiac Will. It seems as if it will remain an eternal suffering- nothing could be greater than or overcome this state of chaotic passion.We, no longer as individuals, are caught in the struggle and suffering of the Will itself.
One can feel the utter desperation and destruction of the self within the singer’s cries, yet, at the same time a feeling of joy arises- at least a joy for the intensity of passions. “We take pleasure in the negation of the hero, the supreme appearance of the Will” (BOT 16).. His cries are beautiful (not in the sense of the beauty of appearance) and truly tragic.
And yet again, the calmness of Apollo reemerges as the Dionysus recedes behind the Apollinian semblance. Throughout the song, these too parts- between the calmness and the height of passions within the tragic cries of the lead singer- there is a constant struggle between the structure of Apollo and the intoxication of Dionysus: “Apolline and Dionysiac.. co-exist in a state of perpetual conflict interrupted only occasionally by periods of reconciliation (Birth of Tragedy 1).
Hans Zimmer - This Land
Although I don't think that Neitzsche would consider The Lion King as a tragic myth, and no doubt it would fall under the category of optimistic, I think the raw emotion of this score transcends the limits of the cartoon. The piece overwhelms me alternately with sorrow and hope, I forget its intentions as a background, and the music itself invades my mind. When I think of it in terms of the context of the movie, I can understand the theme of moods, the characters as illusions. The end of the piece, however, is what disqualifies it, and the The Lion King, as a true tragedy. The chanting and jubilation of the chorus implies hope and redemption, that the protagonist will find a way to prevail his circumstance, and Simba does.
Ours - Fallen Souls
Nietzshe's description of the Dionysiac as primordial reminds me of the driving drum beat throughout the song, while the intensity and urgency of the vocals evoke discomfort. The whole tone of the piece if foreboding, as if something terrible is about to happen. When the singer, Jimmy Gnecco, breaks into a scream, I do imagine the "worst possible world." Despite the tones of sorrow and pain, the song is undeniably beautiful, the vocals astounding. The Dionysiac drum beats prompt me to hear beyond the sounds, while the pain in the vocals ground me in familiar. I think here is illustrated the dual existence and reliance of Dionysiac/Apollonian elements in tragedy. See Comments for lyrics
Blcokhead - The Music Scene
I mostly associated Nietzsche's words with the animation to this song more so than the content of the song itself, but I certainly think that there's something sublime in the track and something dionysiac in the rhythm. The opening sample, the titular "music scene" seems ironic given the dreamy, upbeat quality of the song and so appears even more apt to me given Nietzsche's contrasting dualities of pessimism and optimism. It's music that has movement, but none that might be frantic. There's also a pretty direct reference to drugs that connects the music to intoxication of one form or another. In any case, I think the music in conjunction with the visuals captures the above quote pretty well.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Schopenhauer's take on Memory
“Finally, it is also that blessedness of will-less perception which spreads so wonderful a charm over the past and the distant, and by a self-deception presents them to us in so flattering a light. For by our conjuring up in our minds days long past spent in a distant place, it is the only objects recalled by our imagination, not the subject of will that carried around its incurable sorrows with it just as much then as it does now”(138).
This excerpt from Schopenhauer's "The Artist and the Sublime" struck me as a fairly peculiar take on the subject of memory and its relation to beauty and truth. While often we see a negative critique of the persistence of memory and the polishing effects nostalgia imposes on our experiences Schopenhauer seems take an opposite stance on the process of memory. Though memory adorns past experiences with falsehood and self-deception Schopenhauer claims that at the same time has a stripping effect on the subject of our recollection and only the Idea remains. We all have had the experience of connecting certain songs with moments time and events in our life. One song which I think may be subject to this stripping effect for me is Blind Melon's "No Rain". This was my first favorite song. I can remember how my brother and I would go across the street to our neighbor's, Tim and John, house and play co-op "Diddy Kong" on Super Nintendo and listen it on repeat for hours. Looking back I cannot remember conversations I had with them or my brother at the time or very many other activities we did together besides play "Mortal Kombat", "Independence Day", or whatever action movie had come out that week in our yards(both back and front), but listening to this song seems to capture and embody the truth of those moments without the adornment of details. The song simply feels like the joy of being 5 or 6 or 7 to me. It evokes in me that special knowledge and perspective that only kids have though I can no longer hope to articulate it merely experience, it reflect on it.
Jay Z - Big Pimpin'
Indeed, the first movement, having come into being, is threatened by a "painful destruction" (1:48) and "we are forced to gaze into the terrors of individual existence," we become aware of two individual forces at odds with one another. But once our senses settle and the violence brought on by kick drums pounding 32nd notes, the rage and distorted cry of guitar and voice, we notice the original melody is still there "behind them." We notice this song is "the struggle, the agony, the destruction of appearances," appearances which we took to be the original melody on its own. Then listening on, we notice more, that the song is the interplay between forces, and "uncountable excess of forms" that thrust and push at one another. The purely musical fights to be heard from behind the brutality of guitar and drum and voice. We listen on and realize there is more to be heard, that we realize the two forces are one, that the guitars are indeed playing the original melody, that they are not two "individuals" but "the one living being," that are we.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
La Vida Es Un Carnaval - Celia Cruz
"No, you should first learn the art of comfort of this world, you should learn to laugh, my young friends, if you are really determined to remain pessimists" (Nietzsche The Birth of Tragedy, 12).
Arguably one of Celia Cruz's seminal pieces, this song describes laughter being being the key to the enjoyment of life, much like Nietzsche expresses to his pessimistic readers. The song is, in my opinion, incredibly uplifting and cheerful.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Miss Kittin & The Hacker - Frank Sinatra (Full Version no bullshit)
Thursday, September 8, 2011
There Is No There- The Books
Diamanda Galas--"Double Barrel Prayer"
Classically trained as an opera singer, Galas' voice has an abnormally large range and is very powerful. She uses this voice, however, in a manner that exceeds the bounds of her training. The source of her music and her art is a response to the AIDS related death of her gay poet brother in the early 80's. Her style can definitely be considered abnormal and devoid of what Schopenhauer would characterize as sufficient reason. Her voice becomes an instrument to convey her outrage and pain. She shrieks, quotes the bible and speaks in tongues to symbo0llically convey the holiness and majesty of her mourning. Schopenhauer sees music as a means to spiritually distract one from the pain of the will. Galas seeks to strangle the will with her suffering.
On Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5 in D Minor: To Read with Paige Posting
Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5 in D Minor
Dmitri Shostakovich, 1906-1975. Symphony No. 5 in d, Op. 47. Completed 1937, first performance November 21, 1937, in Leningrad. Scored for 2 flutes, piccolo, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, E flat clarinet, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 2 trombones, bass trombone, tuba, 2 harps, piano, celesta, tympani, snare drum, bass drum, cymbals, xylophone, glockenspiel, triangle, and strings.
The late 1930's were not a good time for Dmitri Shostakovich. His successful opera, Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk, was banned after Stalin saw it in 1936 and was offended by its veiled criticism of the Communist regime. This was no small matter; most who drew the dictator's wrath soon died in a labor camp. Shostakovich was luckier, perhaps because the young composer had already achieved some international recognition, but the attacks in Pravda turned him into a pariah who began keeping a packed suitcase beside his bed in case he were arrested in the night.
Shostakovich's next misstep came with the Fourth Symphony, which he had been composing in his mind for some time. Despite the risk of associating with an ``enemy of the people,'' the Leningrad Philharmonic agreed to premiere it, but the rehearsals went badly, and it became clear to Shostakovich that a performance of such a forward-looking work would be dangerous to his life. In December of 1936, he announced that it was a failure and withdrew it, ostensibly to work on the finale. The Fourth was lost during the war, and it was only in 1961 that it was reconstructed and premiered exactly as written.
Meanwhile, Russia was undergoing what would later be called the ``Great Terror.'' For his own reasons, Stalin had concocted an assassination and then responded to it with a level of repression rarely seen in human history. After he declared that five percent of the population was ``unreliable,'' orders went out that the number of arrests must match this figure. Guilt was irrelevant; it was sufficient to round up ten or fifteen thousand people from a given town and send them off to Siberia. Historians disagree on the exact number of Russian citizens murdered during this time (partly because many of the deaths were later blamed on World War II), but it was certainly in the millions.
In such an atmosphere, and with a wife and two young children to worry about, it was only natural that Shostakovich would pull his head back into his shell and try to please the authorities. And so he did, at least on the surface: the Fifth Symphony's subtitle is ``A Soviet Artist's Practical Creative Reply to Just Criticism.''
But throughout history, artists have thumbed their noses at authorities who were too dense to see through their parody and satire, and Shostakovich was no different. One does not need to look far beneath the surface of the Fifth to discover just what this ``practical'' reply actually contains. The first movement begins with a cry of despair, a tragic lament that goes on for some time before suddenly being interrupted by a goose-stepping march led by a two-note tympani theme, a motive that musicologist Ian MacDonald calls the ``Stalin theme.'' The third movement is one of the most despairing pieces of music ever written, a memorial for Mother Russia and all those sent to the labor camps. And of the finale, Shostakovich wrote in his memoirs (smuggled out of Russia after the composer's death):
What exultation could there be? I think it is clear to everyone what happens in the Fifth. The rejoicing is forced, created under threat... It's as if someone were beating you with a stick and saying ``Your business is rejoicing, your business is rejoicing,'' and you rise, shaky, and go marching off, muttering, ``Our business is rejoicing, our business is rejoicing.'' What kind of apotheosis is that? You have to be a complete oaf not to hear that.The Fifth was hugely successful. The government was pleased that the rebel had knuckled under, while the Russian in the street saw the truth behind the facade. Western listeners, generally unaware of what was going on behind Stalin's mask, took the work at face value, yet were still overwhelmed by its grandeur and beauty. The symphony has become Shostakovich's most popular work, and the relatively recent revelation of its true meaning can only enhance our enjoyment of this testament to one man's struggle to express his people's anguish under a brutal tyrant.
© 1997, Geoff Kuenning