Thursday, April 21, 2011

Who is Röyksopp?

No one knows this song.

"There is actually a neurotic mechanism of stupidity in listening, too; the arrogantly ignorant rejection of everything unfamiliar is its sure sign. Regressive listeners behave like children. Again and again and with stubborn malice, they demand the one dish they have once been served" (On the Fetish-Character..., 290).

But everyone (well, most people--help me here for the sake of argument) knows this song.

"It is the mere reflection of what one pays in the market for the product" (On the Fetish-Character..., 278).

"He (the consumer) has literally 'made' the success which he reifies and accepts as an objective criterion, without recognizing himself in it. But he has not 'made' it by liking the concert, but rather by buying the ticket" (On the Fetish-Character..., 279).

Only as a commodity does this song then bring about a sense of familiarity and "enjoyment."

"The change in the function of music involves the basic conditions of the relation between art and society. The more inexorably the principle of exchange-value destroys use-values for human beings, the more deeply does exchange-value disguise itself as the object of enjoyment" (On the Fetish-Character..., 279).

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